The wallpaper design of ASMAUL HUSNA part 8

These pictures are the most beautiful names belongs to Allah, these beautiful wallpaper are available to suite your smartphone and will make us feel more close to glorify Him.

"And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing".
[Al-A'raf : 180]

asmaul husna smartphone wallpaper part 8
71. Al-Muqaddim
(The Expediting One)
72. Al-Mu'akhkhir
(The Procrastinator)
73. Al-Awwal
(The Very First)
74. Al-Akhir
(The Infinite Last One)
75. Az-Zaahir
(The Perceptible)
76. Al-Baatin
(The Imperceptible)
77. Al-Waali
(The Holder of Supreme Authority)
78. Al-Muta'ali
(The Extremely Exalted One)
79. Al-Barr
(The Fountain Head of True)
80. At-Tawwaab
(The Ever Acceptor of Repentance)

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3 Komentar

  1. Assalamu'alaykum. Sebelumnya syukron jazakumullah khair atas gambarnya. Apresiasi banget. Mau tanya, Gambar no 76 tidak ada kah mas?
    Selain itu, di page lain gambar no 36, dan no 68 juga tidak ada.
    semoga memang ada. jadi lengkap 99 gambar.
    terima kasih.

  2. Waalaikum salam mas, terima kasih atas responnya mengingatkan memang lagi lupa karena sibuk dengan kerjaan di luar. Kemarin sudah diupload semuanya yang kurang....Semoga bermanfaat buat semuanya

  3. Dimensi gambarnya diupdate lagi agar bisa dibuat wallpaper juga pada ponsel..
